Martin McCrory is a stand-up comedian known for his unique Irish storytelling style, characterized by his colorful turn of phrase, clever wordplay, and occasional musical interludes. He has a talent for blending his musical background into his performances, adding a dynamic element to his already captivating storytelling.
He often incorporates improvisation into his sets, making each performance a one-of-a-kind experience for audiences. His dark but heartfelt musings leave audiences thinking long after the show is over.
A native of San Francisco, Martin currently resides in the Sierra foothills, where he continues to make a name for himself in the comedy world. As a co-founder of the "Get Up Stand Up" comedy club, he has quickly created a platform for himself, hosting acts from HBO, Netflix, and "Last Comic Standing." Martin's performances have earned rave reviews and consistently sell-out shows, solidifying his status as a rising star in the comedy scene. He is dedicated to his craft, constantly working to improve as a comedian, and building connections in the industry.